Friday, July 19, 2013

The Religious Life

I write these thoughts down for a simple reason, one I just realized. In the case something happened to me, there's the hope that I don't die. I live on in some form. I would've. I hate for my experience here to be a waste to those living now. We build a better today in hopes of securing a better tomorrow. We are all products of our past, and our past determines our future. What they don't tell you however is that we create our past by the decisions we make in the present. We determine our future by making better choices now. Hard work pays off in the long run. Anyone who thinks they can glide through life without a care is screwed one day in the future. You're a fucking loser if you're not actively trying to build yourself up. What is your goal? This is a personal question I cannot answer for you. What is my goal? To be the person everyone else wants to be. To improve myself to such a degree that others proclaim me a winner at this game called life. Is it the right pursuit? Absolutely not. The Buddhists are the ones who got it right. Or even the Christians, the smart ones at least. That God shit is bullshit. We may have a creator. We may not. There may or may not be a greater force than a human being. It does t matter, we do not understand it if there is one. We are created in the image of god nonetheless, and we create our own realities. We shape the life we live. We choose what we want. There of course is the issue between what we think and what we do. Half the battle is realizing what we need, the other half is doing it. But I digress, these religions have the right philosophy. It's life. Enjoy it. Experience it. Work to help others. Don't let it pass. This is the way to live. Be someone you would be proud to be. That is all.

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