As we approach the New Year, I'm going to start blogging more consistently. I recently turned 18, and life should be getting pretty interesting, and I would like a record of how I progress. However, before I start this post, I'd like to throw a shoutout to my boy Trouble Maker. He answered one of my questions and threw a shoutout to my blog, so I should at least return the favor. He's a really intelligent guy, and he has a very interesting view on life, as well as a compelling knack for storytelling. He is part of what is called the "Manosphere," and writes on a a weekly column on a big manosphere site called Return of Kings. I encourage you to look into the manosphere and form your own opinions regarding it.
The Manosphere is arguably most notorious for its rather pessimistic view on female sexuality. So, as I'm throwing a shoutout to one of the members of the manosphere, I thought I'd focus on female sexuality as the theme of this post.
Female sexuality, in reality, isn't too complex, it's just that most people don't look in the right spots for the answer. What really gets a girl going is a mix of unpredictability and social savviness (As in, if you're unpredictable and socially awkward, or socially savvy and predictable, it won't be enough). There's a lot to go into, and I am really not interested at explaining my views on girls at the moment; they're fun but nothing to take seriously. So instead, I'm just going to show a few conversations I've had with girls, and my thoughts on those conversations.
Unfortunately, I delete most of my texts. I screenshot what I consider the good ones, but I eventually delete those too. I found a couple on my iPhone cloud, so enjoy what I found.

Background: It was a girl I had already fucked, which makes it unfair. However, this conversation provides great insight on female sexuality. I admittedly don't remember the conversation well, but this is pretty much how girls operate. I'm unyielding; she's on the defensive here. Her excuses to me are irrelevant. She plays into my world, operates secondary to me. I know I have her, and her feeble attempts at brushing me aside plays directly into her insatiable desire for my cock. Being this straightforward with a girl will not work most of the time unless she's a slut or you two have a sexual relationship at this point, but this exchange shows how a girl works once you've caught her interest.
Status: We barely talk. She has a boyfriend. But the option is always there, and both of us know it. Nevertheless, she's a trashy bitch at this point and not worth pursuing. If I fuck her again, it will be out of boredom. I actually just texted her to get an essay her boyfriend wrote me when he found out she was still texting me, but she's acting like a bitch because I actually called her a trashy slut and told her to grow up the last time I talked to her. She's doing that thing where she calls me the same thing I told her (Last text exchange involved her telling me I should grow up). The essay has yet to be ascertained, but I will certainly post it up here if I get it.
Background: The situation basically went down as she found out I hooked up with another girl that night, so she went AWOL on me and tried flirting with every guy she saw in front of me. I had enough by the third guy, and left. She texted me to come back. Inebriated, I did, and saw his arm around her, so I punched him. I told him to fight me, and while I was going at him, my girl got in the way and I violently pushed her aside, thinking she was a guy trying to hold me back. She cried, and it became a whole scene. The next day, she conspired to see me through a mutual friend, and she apologized for me hitting her. I was dumbfounded she could see it as her fault in any way, but I just went with it. Over time, she rationalized it to herself to the point where she considers me abusive and in the wrong, as girls are wont to do. I've never apologized for it, and usually sidestep it when she accuses me of wrongdoing (My favorite line being "Gotta keep that pimp hand strong"). Nevertheless, she offered me this gem a few days after the incident occurred. Let's be straight up here, girls like violent cavemen, and violence/physical dominance turns them on.
Status: Same girl as before. Still no essay. That slut.

Background: This girl wrongfully believed that I wanted to date her, and was naturally offended when I told her it was strictly physical. She never quite lived it down, and always seemed to try bringing it up trying to procure commitment. This was pre-fuck, so I assume it counts as a full point. First of all, I want to say that it is wrong to play with a girls emotions; if you're willing to genuinely give them to her, go for it, but if you're only looking for a pump-and-dump, don't tell her you love her and want to be with her and all that crap. That's the cheap way of getting it, it's going to end with her hating you at some point, and it's just going to create damaged, distrustful sluts. I never once told her or even hinted to her I wanted to date her or anything of that nature, I have never said I love you back to her, and yet she still turned it into this. Anyway, I just simply sidestepped her accusation. Getting defensive, or being boring, or anything of that nature gets you nowhere with a girl. This doesn't mean don't be serious at all, but she doesn't care about how you feel about her, she just cares about how she feel about you. She may look for validation from you, but women, and people in general, tend to be incredibly narcissistic, and only really care about themselves. I thought my reaction was appropriate; it's like I treated her as nothing more than a blabbering sex toy. What girls want to be treated like.
Status: I'm supposed to see her next week. We're not dating. At some point she even rationalized it to herself, about a week or two later telling me she "really likes me but only wants it to be physical," and "doesn't see me as boyfriend material." I'm heartbroken </3

Background: There isn't much here. I only put it here because it's hilarious. But nevertheless, if you want analysis, I turn to the great philosopher, 16 year old version of myself. I recently found an old journal I used to write in from my Junior year in High School, and found a section of rules I made to live my life by. Some highlights include "Perception is Everything," "The best way to change the perception of yourself is through genuine self-improvement," and "Insecurity arises from lack of control." However, the quote which is most fitting here is "People want what they cannot have, provided that it is within reach." This holds true every time, and is the reason playing hard to get is so effective when done right. When someone is chasing you, and you dangle the prize (Yourself) right in front of their faces, but don't allow them to have you, they go crazy. After I finally answered her, she went into full on defense mode. And for the record, I never gave her an I love you either
Status: Never fucked her. Basically ended up being a 7 month flirtationship with many gaps in between, where we saw each other at most once a week. Girl is a virgin still, will likely be one for the rest of her life. Although, I think that there's a slut deep down in there. Funny lesson learned from her; at one point towards the end, she friendzoned me. When I told her I'm not dealing with that, she told me in a shocked sense that she never knew when to take me seriously and thought I didn't want her like that anymore, so she gave up and moved on. It's important to note that while it's ok not to take things seriously, at some point you will run the risk of being nothing more than a clown. I don't take things seriously because I'm very insecure in myself, and laughing it off is the best way for me to deny reality. I classify humor as one of two things; something very witty, or something that contrasts with reality so much that it is utterly absurd, and our brain cannot process it rationally as a result.* I tend to favor the second form of humor, and it's ultimately built up a fantasyland that I live in. It's a ton of fun, but I always come out realizing nothing is as good as I want it to be, and have trouble maintaining a relationship of any type beyond 3 months because of this.
*I am not a Scientist. There is no scientific backing here. It's just the best way I can classify our tendency as rational (Term loosely applied) animals to find pleasure in the irrational.
Background: That slut. She never sent it. As punishment, if we ever fuck again, I will "accidentally" stick my unlubed cock up her ass and ravage it. Here is a screenshot from when it happened. It was ironically sent to me on my birthday, which is why I was up at 4:51 A.M. And I believe I was intoxicated. I actually never read the entire thing (it was much too long), but I did read some of the first paragraph, and found it hilarious. I responded in what is undeniably the greatest way possible, typing "Penis," spelled wrong. You would think autocorrect would've picked up on that. If I ever get the essay again, I will dedicate an entire post on the wording of the essay alone, because it's worth it. I will then post another entire post on breaking down the essay part by part in a witty way. Then, I will dedicate a third post to the wording of the essay again, with a loaf of poop** in the background. You've all been forewarned
**It is Scientifically proven that loaf*** is, in fact, the funniest word in the English language. Poop comes in a photofinish second place. If you combine the words, you get what is the funniest phrase in the English language in terms of syntax. Obviously context matters as well, but try inserting a loaf of poop into any sentence and it undeniably becomes funnier.
***I know exactly what you're thinking, and yes, I have field tested "Hey baby, want a loaf of this cock" as a pickup line. Needless to say, it worked every time. It is 100% effective. The phrase is currently in the process of being patented. However, if you use it, you must, as a royalty, either pay me money, or videotape yourself using it and put it on youtube.
Sidebar: I can't believe this is only my first post focusing solely on girls.
**It is Scientifically proven that loaf*** is, in fact, the funniest word in the English language. Poop comes in a photofinish second place. If you combine the words, you get what is the funniest phrase in the English language in terms of syntax. Obviously context matters as well, but try inserting a loaf of poop into any sentence and it undeniably becomes funnier.
***I know exactly what you're thinking, and yes, I have field tested "Hey baby, want a loaf of this cock" as a pickup line. Needless to say, it worked every time. It is 100% effective. The phrase is currently in the process of being patented. However, if you use it, you must, as a royalty, either pay me money, or videotape yourself using it and put it on youtube.
Sidebar: I can't believe this is only my first post focusing solely on girls.
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